
Well Sex and The City was good, both times! On Thursday evenings all the museums are free to students (18-25) so went to Museé D'Orsay. It used to be a train station. It's an incredible building, lots of awesome (in the proper sense of the word) art that made me wish I could draw something more than a stick figure. Gaudi's chairs were amazing. Being an old train station there were so many clocks.

I unpacked pretty much everything, but forgot to bring photos or anything nice for my room so I'll have to do what I do best and buy some things! I have to get my train to Lyon in a bit. My laptop still isn't accepting my password so I can't change the clock or anything which means I must remember not to rely on my comp for the time otherwise I'll be an hour late for everything!


I'm nearly packed and I'm not even leaving til Thursday.... Organised or what!

Sex and The City movie is out tomorrow, I'm so excited!