
Crêperie Suzette is a sweet little cafe that specialises in.... crepes and galettes. It's on a street that links the Marais area with Bastille, Rue des Francs Bourgeois. I had the most delicious galette there last week, with a Kir. New potatoes, bacon, cheese and cream with a pesto sauce. It was delectable! If you're coming to visit me, we'll probably go there. Or if you're ever in Paris, go!

For the next three days the cinema will be €2! Bargain! You'd never get such a thing in good aul overpriced Dublin. I'm definitely going to take advantage, especially as it's meant to be quite hot over the next week... Air-conditioning will be a God-send. Top of my list is the new Narnia. There's a film about the writer Francois Sagan (wrote Bonjour Tristesse among others) but I don't think I could handle drama without subtitles, we'll see.


Anonymous said...

i saw Narnia on thursday! it's amazing! but then again i would have thought it was good even if it wasn't...but it is! it's the last Narnia movie that Peter and Susan are in :(

Marie said...

I want crêpes too...:) Please, send me's 5.30.time for a little snack, I believe.Which movies are you gonna see?

Lana said...

I saw Narnia, I liked it but the battle bits tired me out a tad. Queen M, I'll pay for your crepe if you come and visit me?

Marie said...

very funny.I pay for the flight, you pay for the crêpes.That's a very good bargain.It better be the best crêpes ever prepared by any living being.